Board of Directors On-Line Meeting June 1, 2015

This on-line meeting of the board of directors is being called to discuss  two Architecture Review Requests presented by the ARR Committee to the Board of Directors.  The ARRs are posted on the HLRPOA web site or may be found here and here (page 1 and page 3 – page 2 is blank).

The meeting will be conducted via the comments below this note, beginning at 8:00am Monday June 1, and continuing until the meeting has concluded its business, which is planned to be by the end of Thursday, June 4. The meeting is primarily for members of the Board, but is open to all members to follow here. All relevant comments from association members are welcome once the president has invited them.

[ This meeting is now closed.]

24 thoughts on “Board of Directors On-Line Meeting June 1, 2015

  1. Hi All!

    This opens the board meeting for review of two ARR that have been submitted to the board. The first is a lean-to added to an existing shed from Luna and the second is an addition of shade roofing over existing open air stables from Barfield. These ARR are available for any members to review on the website at:
    The ARC has already approved these requests.
    First, any board members or ARC members can comment and discuss. Tomorrow morning, any community members can comment. Board members or AR Committee Members, please comment now. Thank you!

    1. I have reviewed both and see not discrepancies regarding any of the CCR’s. I believe we have to address each one in a separate motion. Therefore, I move we accept the Luna ARR as submitted.

  2. As ARC Chair / Liason, I should report out that the results from the committee are as follows:
    Luna: Approved 3 – 0 (1 abstention)
    Barfield: Approved 2 – 0 (2 abstentions)

    One abstention in each case is because one member, who may have thought incorrectly that he was no longer on the committee, has not voted; if he would like to do so, I will amend the results.

  3. We have a motion and a second on the Luna ARR. I motion to approve the Barfield ARR as submitted. Do I have a second?
    We will keep the meeting open to board members only for now and will open to member comments once we get a second on Barfield.

  4. My only comment: I have no problem with this ARR and at this time plan to vote ‘aye’.

  5. We have a motion and a second for approval of both submitted ARRs and we have a quorum of board members.
    Prior to a vote, we must now open up the forum for any comments from community members. Then we vote.
    Any Community Member comments? We will leave the forum open for comments for the next 24 hours.
    Thank you!

  6. I was not clear because I didn’t realize both ARRs were up. I vote ‘aye’ on both of them.

  7. Are the BOD and AR committee assuming the material for the lean to is made of wood? When I built my lean to of similar dimensions several years ago it required a permit from the county. Knowing that the county has approved the plans should be further assurance to the BOD that the structure will be safe in our high wind conditions. Also, a technical question about the Committee vote. There are 3 abstentions. Are the two abstentions described as a misunderstanding of membership really abstentions? What is the reason for the 3 rd abstention? Is it conflict of interest, which should be revealed?

  8. Hi all, a reminder that it is important that board members do not vote until community members have had a chance to speak. I think in the future, board members should wait to vote until it is called for by the president. That will avoid confusion and allow community members the time they need to speak up and express concerns.
    We are still learning how to run these on-line meetings smoothly and I do think they are a great way to allow many property owners the opportunity to be involved in the meeting. I am confident we can work out the kinks and make good use of this platform. I would like to extend this meeting for 24 hours – to allow any further discussion, then I will call for a vote and board members will vote at that time. Thanks everyone for your patience as we work through this. If a property owner does ask a question, any board member can feel free to answer that question and a discussion can occur. At some point, I will then call for a vote. Thanks!

  9. I didn’t initially get into the loop as a committee member,
    so I didn’t receive the plans or requests of the two subject ARR’s. This is after the fact, but on reviewing the material, I will add my approval of the same for the record. Please note.

    1. As a result I declare that the committee vote is 4-0-0 on the Luna ARR and 3-0-1 on the Barfield ARR. This does not change the report of the committee to the Board.

  10. Hi All,
    Thank you all for the input! We have a motion and a second for approval for both ARRs.
    Board members, please vote at this time.
    I vote “aye” for each ARRs.

  11. Hi All,
    This concludes this on-line meeting. Thank you.
    Both ARRs have passed 5 to 0.

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